Fall Festival Preview in Summit County

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Fall season has approached here in Summit County! The cool, crisp mornings turn into warm days. The leaves change and we’re surrounded with a beautiful orange red hue. Plus there are a ton of Fall events and activities to look forward to in our community.

This weekend (September 14 and 15) get ready for Autumn Aloft Hot Air Ballon Festival. Event festivities are free to spectators and are scheduled to take place at multiple locations around the Park City area. Autumn Aloft is for spectators rather than an opportunity for balloon rides for event attendees. Tethered rides may be available on a first come, first serve basis but are not guaranteed. Main Launch will take place at 2530 Kearns Blvd at the North 40 Fields starting at 8:00 a.m.

The following weekend (September 21st) brings the Woodland Chokecherry Festival. The Woodland Chokecherry Festival celebrates the rich heritage of the community with a pumpkin patch, hay maze and children's activities. The name derives from the Chokecherry bushes that abundantly grow on the benches and hillsides in Woodland. There is something for everyone at this fun day full of autumn flavor.  The festival will be held at the Church Farm on Bench Creek Rd, just past the Woodland Church on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  

The fall fun continues with the Scarecrow Festival at the McPolin Barn in Park City on September 28 from 2-4pm. Build your own scarecrow for display on the trail through Oct. 25! Enjoy pumpkin painting, face painting, games and cookies. BYO items to build your scarecrow including a head, clothing, props, etc. Stuffing and stands provided.

The celebration continues on October 5th in Kamas at the Dejoria Center’s annual Harvest Fest, which is free for all ages from noon to 5pm. The festival will feature local food and drink, activities for kids, wagon rides, live music, local crafts, and more. Be sure to stick around after the fest for more live music at the State Room Tavern.

Celebrate the fall season in Summit County!  For more information about the festivals, visit autumnaloft.com, parkcity.org,  woodlandchokecheeryfestival.blogspot.com, and dejoriacenter.com.

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