Park City NEWSIES // An Interview with Bryan Andrews Assistant Director and Choreographer


The Ziegfeld Theatre has been busy producing a very special production of NEWSIES.  

Assistant Director and Choreographer Bryan Andrews was enlisted by Director Caleb Parry to help design a production to be presented in both spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL). Bryan, whose parents are Deaf, describes himself as being a CODA (Child of Deaf Adult) whose first language was ASL so he is a perfect match for the development of this project.  

“I won't lie,” explained Bryan. “It took some convincing from the Director for me to feel confident enough and move forward with this concept. We concluded that our hope was to show there is a place for the Deaf community in theatre and to urge other community theaters to cast deaf actors and make all around more inclusive art.”

There are 3 Deaf actors, all first-time performers in the cast. The entire show will be sung, spoken and signed by all actors. “Deaf people in general are so expressive,” explains Bryan. “So, not to my surprise... they picked up how the process works and proved to be naturally gifted performers. It's a unique process for all of us so we learn something new every week. From what I can tell they are very excited to be a part of something most deaf people don't realize they have the potential to do.” 

“Our Deaf actors have hearing actors working with them and are creatively incorporated into the blocking of the show where they will sing and speak their lines for them.” There will be moments where words will be projected creatively onto something so that a Deaf person can come to this show and not need an interpreter. 

Bryan is proud of his cast and their performance. “This cast has worked harder than any other one I've known and it's so special to see everyone care so much about something that doesn't get enough recognition. I'm inspired by them every day and they do it with a smile.” 

This unique production runs until March 14 at Ziegfeld Theatre in Ogden and was due to appear on the stage of Park City’s Historic Egyptian Theatre March 20-29. Due to recent restrictions on social gatherings those performances have been cancelled.

Meet Bryan and learn more about the production via this link: